I’m not into 40k, I love the idea and mythos and occasionally watch someone paint a mini, then I came across some 40k subreddit and it’s a bunch of anti woke nonsense. Like wtf, they do realise they’re the ones that used to be shat upon, right?
People that ate too much imperial propaganda and think that, yes, the Imperium is “the best alternative for mankind”, despite it stomping down actually better alternatives left and right throughout the lore
I’m not into 40k, I love the idea and mythos and occasionally watch someone paint a mini, then I came across some 40k subreddit and it’s a bunch of anti woke nonsense. Like wtf, they do realise they’re the ones that used to be shat upon, right?
They sure don’t. Fascists are immune to irony.
And upon seeing their chance to be the shitter, rather than the shittee, they climb over each other to throw shit.
Most of the human race aren’t worth fucking saving, that much is clear.
People that ate too much imperial propaganda and think that, yes, the Imperium is “the best alternative for mankind”, despite it stomping down actually better alternatives left and right throughout the lore