I use cast iron.
It’s super simple to care for just toss it in dishwasher after use.
I’ve read that jd Vance dishwashes their cast iron.
That’ll buff out.
Nah I don’t want to fuck up the seasoning.
It’s ok, just add a pinch of salt and pepper, maybe some oregano, and it’s good as new.
Oil works with onions 🧅 !
J’aime l’oignon frite à l’huile !
Not sure why ‘not the onion’. Seasoning a pan is the classic solution to sticky pans.
The first part of the article isn’t even about seasoning, it’s basically: “Did you know cooking with oil allows for food not to stick?”
Uhm, yes? I also know food can be consumed to reduce hunger, or that washing my hands makes them cleaner. Scary if it’s a revelation for anyone.
I think that’s the joke. It’s like an article saying “Thirsty? New research shows water does the trick.”
tired? experts suggest going to sleep.