I’d just like to point out that this picture is particularly impressive.
You are not supposed to touch the Crown Prince in any circumstances.
Seeing him embrace Zelensky speaks volumes.
I’d just like to point out that this picture is particularly impressive.
You are not supposed to touch the Crown Prince in any circumstances.
Seeing him embrace Zelensky speaks volumes.
Saudi Arabia is not exactly popular among Muslim people around the world. In particular with them embracing US influence, funding Daesh and other murderous groups and of course supporting Israel in its oppression and mass murder of Palestinians, MBS has a very bad reputation.
Source on the Saudi government funding DAESH? That claim makes little sense as like Al Qaeda DAESH wishes to overthrow the Saudi state.
See https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/06/isis-saudi-arabia-iraq-syria-bandar/373181/ for the Citation 50
Also see https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-qa-is-saudi-arabia-funding-isis for an overview of various US internal documents where the US government itself accused Saudi Arabia of funding Daesh at least in the beginning.
Your primary source which you draw other sources from is 7 years old and wikipedia thinks it needs to be edited/fixed.
Only one of your sources talk about the government financing ISIS. The rest talk about Saudi people not the government. There is a huge difference from what the guy who is 6098th in line for the throne supports (the House of Saud is 12-15000 people so this isn’t a flippant comment), what a non-royal business guy supports and what the guy in charge supports. Only the guy in charge’s support is relevant to my request.
So your best source is an email link that Im not sure we still believe is true.