To me, Haiclue feels like the missing link between something like Codenames and ‘serious’ boardgaming (non-party games). The emergent poetry is sometimes quite striking, but it’s still accessible enough that I’ve been able to introduce it to friends who don’t play anything heavy.
It’s also free to play on BoardGameArena, and I can’t recommend it enough.
Every round, there are four shared words, from which one will be assigned to you. The point of the game is to assemble a clue that will make the other players pick that particular word out of the four. I said assemble and not write because there is a limited pool of 15 word cards that you have to arrange at least two of to form a clue. Pictured above is the clue I would personally give if the word were picnic (though in this screenshot the assigned word is net).
The clue therefore ends up, in practice, quite interestingly phrased at times, which is why the game is called that (Haiku + clue). You get points each time someone guesses your word correctly, and each time you guess someone’s word correctly.
Do you know the game Concept? It’s similar to that (at least with our house rules, I don’t remember if the official ones were different)