Author: Daniel Bellamy
Published on: 09/03/2025 | 00:00:00
AI Summary:
The legislation was passed by parliament last summer but has been only partially implemented by municipal authorities. It requires municipalities to collect stray dogs and house them in shelters to be vaccinated, neutered or spayed before making them available for adoption. Dogs that are in pain, terminally ill, or pose health risk to humans will be euthanised. Turkey’s Animal Rights Federation, HAYTAP, posted a video on X showing stray dogs. The issue divides Turks at all levels of society, with at least one former government minister professed his admiration for “man’s best friend” The post came as the government was promoting feeding straies whilst Covid restrictions were in force. Videos showing dead cats and dogs buried in ditches circulate on social media. Animal rights activists say the animals were indiscriminately killed after the passage of the law.
Original: 624 words
Summary: 137 words
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