The very notion of puritanism requires a certain additude towards sex, therefore a discours about it. Puritans only act like non-sexual humans but constantly transgress their self imposed limits by adopting sexual abstinence, which in itself is a type of sexual behaviour. Not gonna get all freudian by talking how this makes them giant freaks with all that pent up energy but do you understand what I am trying to say?
nah, there are very stuck up puritannical religious people out there.
in my country they segregate themselves a little bit and keep to their own churches but they are out there in big numbers still.
The very notion of puritanism requires a certain additude towards sex, therefore a discours about it. Puritans only act like non-sexual humans but constantly transgress their self imposed limits by adopting sexual abstinence, which in itself is a type of sexual behaviour. Not gonna get all freudian by talking how this makes them giant freaks with all that pent up energy but do you understand what I am trying to say?