depending on the pr… My thinking is I would have likely voted NDP with Liberal as second, rather than how i did vote: Liberal (party i thought had the greatest chance in my riding of causing us to not go conservative). I think this would likely have happened to a significant number of voters. Given all that I’m suspicious that any predictions that you could make given data under FPTP if there had been PR are valueless.
As long as your vote wasn’t going to the conservatives, it mostly doesn’t matter what those numbers look like as long as OPC is less than 50%.
depending on the pr… My thinking is I would have likely voted NDP with Liberal as second, rather than how i did vote: Liberal (party i thought had the greatest chance in my riding of causing us to not go conservative). I think this would likely have happened to a significant number of voters. Given all that I’m suspicious that any predictions that you could make given data under FPTP if there had been PR are valueless.