I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃
I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!
Apple pieces with three to four tabasco drops on each of them.
God I’m addicted to this.
This sounds interesting. I’m gonna try it right now. I’ll edit with my thoughts.
Edit: Didn’t have any Tabasco but did have some Franks. Very interesting flavor. Sweet and tangy. The back heat it’s nice and the texture of the apple with this flavor is quite nice. Will do it again.
You’d fare well in Mexico. Remember the gaspacho police? Well, gaspachos have fruit like apples and tasty chili! And also cheese for some reason but that’s mostly unique to Michoacán state afaik.
I’ll have to give this a shot. Kinda intrigued.