So what’s the deal with this lady? Because I follow her, not that closely, and her stuff seems pretty fine and good. But also I rarely see anyone, even on the left, sharing her stuff. Makes me worry I missed a memo and she’s super transphobic or something.
Looks like that article was posted July 2017, two months before Charlottesville and around the time of the infamous r/Chapotrphouse “Native Americans are ethno-nationalists” struggle sessions
Nothing bad to my knowledge, and she has a long history of good takes. I think it might have to do with audience, it seems like she mostly intends to target the “I’m as left as they come” democrat; so doesn’t get a ton of traction among theory nerds.
So what’s the deal with this lady? Because I follow her, not that closely, and her stuff seems pretty fine and good. But also I rarely see anyone, even on the left, sharing her stuff. Makes me worry I missed a memo and she’s super transphobic or something.
It’s because of her nuclear take of an article advocating for what’s essentially a red-brown alliance:
That’s a hell-fucking-no around here.
EDIT: To add, there’s been fallout resulting from the article in question. Caused a few struggle sessions here I think
Looks like that article was posted July 2017, two months before Charlottesville and around the time of the infamous r/Chapotrphouse “Native Americans are ethno-nationalists” struggle sessions
Has she rescinded the take and apologized since?
I haven’t seen a retraction from her. Might be buried in her archive, giving her benefit of the doubt.
EDIT: Found it. She did not post a retraction. She in fact had doubled down on her position:
Oh lmao there it is
ah, well that is good to know. i’ll take that into consideration when I encounter her takes in the future
I have read some of her stuff since the Ukraine war started and haven’t come across anything bad from her regards transphobia and others.
but also i havent come across her endorsing any leftist projects or things like that openly.
I think she’s a “tankie” and very vocal, not sure about specific bad stuff though
Nothing bad to my knowledge, and she has a long history of good takes. I think it might have to do with audience, it seems like she mostly intends to target the “I’m as left as they come” democrat; so doesn’t get a ton of traction among theory nerds.