Me and my friend continued our Halo Legendary Difficulty “project”. Now that Halo 2 is done, we’re making lightning speed on Halo 3. We’ve gone from almost half a year for the entirety of Halo 2, too 3 more levels left of Halo 3. I also just found out that Halo 3 has 4 player multiplayer, so i’ll have to recruit a few extra friends for that.
One particular spot we struggled on a bit today was this Scarab.
We couldn’t get it’s legs to drop for some reason no matter how hard we hit it. So i grabbed a choppper and ramped it over the top of the thing and hopped out midair to land on it midway through like something out of an Action Movie. I also couldn’t use any special tools to get up because i was saving the Grav Lift for a skull later in the level. It was a fun and epic moment. It always seems like something happens in this area, as when me and my friend went through this area on a normal mode playthrough, my Tank i was driving just tripped out and started spinning like a beyblade and sent me flying off the edge. I was laughing too hard too be upset about a bug like that.
There was also this section, which you need to take a stair case to get down from to a lower level. With the opening cutscene with how far Chief falls and how he doesn’t seem to take fall damage in this game, i though “well, i bet i could probably survive the fall”. Turns out, chief cannot survive that fall. His plot armor must be cutscene only sadly.
Me and my friend have been following a quota of 2 levels a day due to time constraints, tomorrow we talked about doing 3 though just to finish up Halo 3. I’m excited to get to 4 though and finish up reach. Reach i’ve heard good things about, and though from what i understand 4 isn’t very popular, i’m excited to give it an earnest try.
If you have any tips I’d greatly appreciate it. I plan on doing a solo run of legendary some day and I’m not sure if I could handle it lol
When I did a legendary Combat Evolved solo run, there were one or two speedrunning strats I borrowed. Probably could do the same for H2 - one of the later levels, you can skip entirely if you do it right.
I’ll have to look into the level skip, because that could be really handy for H2
its been a while since ive played halo 2, these may be a little wrong
edit: also if you mag dump a carbine into tartarus it drops his shields
The first two are definitely helpful. Cover and Reload times were the two things i struggled with most on Halo 2 (and CE a bit too)