It’s just the latest reason to be skeptical of the car’s safety record.

    22 days ago

    100% of the cars made at the time were recalled

    1.5 million is the sample size you need to spread the 51 deaths and incidents over

    You are arguing out of ignorance because you couldn’t be bothered to simply read my comment before replying. 1.5M is <50% of the total vehicles manufactured, not 100%. The sample size was 3,173,491 and the number of deaths was 27.

    You are fully factually wrong on your assertion above. Your data is wrong. You are wrong.

    3 fatalities happened in the same Cybertruck, so this is a grand total of 2 crashes that legitimately resulted in deaths. One just happened to have a large number of occupants.

    Even if you weren’t wrong, you’re operating under the premise that Tesla will (or would even be legally permitted to) follow the same path as Ford did 50 years ago and deny and ignore deaths to save pennies and ounces (it’s a 6500lb pickup truck, no one is counting ounces).

    There are 3 types of lies; lies, damned lies, and statistics. This is an excellent example of the third one.

        22 days ago

        The time in question is 1971-1976.

        Bzzzt wrong, you’re making shit up again, it’s through 1980.

        So just like the cyber truck if 4 people were in the car for one accident it counts as 4 people

        4 people in 1 Cybertruck. Choosing people is intentionally misleading because the number of people is irrelevant to the vehicle itself that they’re trying to blame their deaths on. It’s the “damned lies” I mentioned above.

        Tesla does not know how to make the cyber truck safer.

        I’m not gonna guess you have no evidence for this and are just making more shit up.

        The facts about the pinto are plain, public and well documented.

        They are, which is why it’s so readily apparent that you haven’t even glanced at them.

        You analysis is hinged on those facts not being true

        I haven’t contested any facts. The only thing I’ve contested is the conclusions drawn from the facts, and also the shit you’re just making up as you go.

        Jump around all you want, make up all the numbers you want pretend all you want. You need to do all of that because you are wrong.