I’ve had friends who raise chickens with minimal fuss, but I don’t know anyone who has raised ducks. They seem cute as hell.
Any advice for someone doing early homework about how to care for urban ducks?
I’ve had friends who raise chickens with minimal fuss, but I don’t know anyone who has raised ducks. They seem cute as hell.
Any advice for someone doing early homework about how to care for urban ducks?
We had ducks when I was a kid. Not a super urban area technically as we had a decent size backyard.
Not really great advice at all but just what I remember. Point #1 is what I remember the most. At one point, we had 3 females and one male, named Wild. He ended upremoved and killing his harem one by one. After the last female had been killed, we just gave Wild the death sentence by leaving him out at night for the raccoons and that was the end of our duck raising adventures.