Banning gender neutral bathrooms would be the funniest way to instantly kill tons of small local businesses across the country. The kinds of businesses who have only one bathroom because that’s all they have space for. Imagine the government forces them all to install a second bathroom just to comply with this ridiculous mandate that bathrooms cannot be gender neutral. Most of them would just shut down.
Alternatively make every bathroom single stall with a sign on the door corresponding to a list of genders. You just select the gender you want that bathroom to be for before entering. Technically not gender neutral anymore! It’s a gender fluid bathroom!
Yeah I could see businesses doing stuff like during prohibition where you’d be brought a sandwich that was prepared days ago and then it’s taken away after 3 seconds just so the bar qualified as a restaurant instead. Maybe a spinny sign? Maybe depending on how a ban would be implemented there’s like a curtain three inches from the door that you open that would technically separate the bathroom into two rooms.
Banning gender neutral bathrooms would be the funniest way to instantly kill tons of small local businesses across the country. The kinds of businesses who have only one bathroom because that’s all they have space for. Imagine the government forces them all to install a second bathroom just to comply with this ridiculous mandate that bathrooms cannot be gender neutral. Most of them would just shut down.
Alternatively make every bathroom single stall with a sign on the door corresponding to a list of genders. You just select the gender you want that bathroom to be for before entering. Technically not gender neutral anymore! It’s a gender fluid bathroom!
Yeah I could see businesses doing stuff like during prohibition where you’d be brought a sandwich that was prepared days ago and then it’s taken away after 3 seconds just so the bar qualified as a restaurant instead. Maybe a spinny sign? Maybe depending on how a ban would be implemented there’s like a curtain three inches from the door that you open that would technically separate the bathroom into two rooms.