These people have the memory of a goldfish and Trump is such an ideological mercenary that he’ll do whatever nets him the most money and prestige and back in 2020 that was stopping the pandemic.
These people have the memory of a goldfish and Trump is such an ideological mercenary that he’ll do whatever nets him the most money and prestige and back in 2020 that was stopping the pandemic.
cognitive dissonance causes discomfort and either leads to change or denial
“I know this cigarette I am smoking causes cancer” either the person will enact change and quit or reduce smoking, or they will deny the extensive reality that smoking causes cancer
The people who go with excessive denial ultimately need to rely on avoidance behaviors and may become irritable and anxious when confronted with the reality that’s been making them uncomfortable for quite some time.
Guess which side they fall on
At least in the smoking example, it’s not necessarily denial; addiction is a powerful thing. People are used to their way of life, and Trump represents the status quo (which so do Democrats, but whatever) People are too afraid of the change, or afraid they’ll be unable to handle the change, so they may hold their nose and vote for him. Denial is certainly a possibility, and in the case of Trump it may be the more likely option. But fear and routine certainly influence people too without necessarily driving them into deep denial.
I know this cig is giving me cancer and just don’t give a shit.
Yeah, i’m an occasional smoker and hang around plenty of smokers. No one is deluding themselves to think it doesn’t harm us. We all just go along with it. Smoking might be one of the least self-destructive things I do.