The tech exists, and vehicles on the road already have it, yet a consortium of carmakers doesn’t want to make this lifesaving equipment standard. The reason is as old as the hills—money.

    25 days ago

    My car gives a warning when it detects a potential collision.

    Usually, it’s right before I start turning into a turn.

    I get it, it’s 2-bit brain doesn’t realize that the car will not, in fact, drive straight into the wall.

    It doesn’t realize that I have had my foot off the gas in anticipation.

    I would really hate if the car would brake under those circumstances.

      24 days ago

      Treated myself to a used Q8 eTron, first nice car I’ve ever had. I must say, all the bells and whistles, adaptive cruise control that eases off the go pedal when a town comes up, night vision that warns if an animal has a vector crossing mine, hands off stop and go and all that works neatly.

      Emergency braking together with night vision was hard on the brakes once before I even knew that a deer was even there. It crossed into the high beams fractions of a second later and every screen in the car and the HUD had a red triangle in it with a deer symbol while I was already hanging in the seat belt. Yeah, no shit, thanks engineers.

      What I’m saying is: Apparently all that stuff can be made properly, manufacturers just choose not to.