The whole “the cruelty is the point” thing is so foreign to me. It isn’t difficult to cause hardship with clean intentions. To cause intentional pain broadly and blindly just doesn’t make sense to me. And I can “devils advocate” and try to empathize fairly well (hard to know if that’s true without acting like a creeper).
Nope you have seen it in school unless you were home schooled or something. Kids call names and punch for no reason except they are hurt inside and they want to hurt others. We know this is the same because Trump told us over and over. He is sad and angry and will hurt people now that don’t have anything to do with him. You chose this together and I don’t know how you now ask what is this. It is what you chose together
The whole “the cruelty is the point” thing is so foreign to me. It isn’t difficult to cause hardship with clean intentions. To cause intentional pain broadly and blindly just doesn’t make sense to me. And I can “devils advocate” and try to empathize fairly well (hard to know if that’s true without acting like a creeper).
Global dominance?
Nope you have seen it in school unless you were home schooled or something. Kids call names and punch for no reason except they are hurt inside and they want to hurt others. We know this is the same because Trump told us over and over. He is sad and angry and will hurt people now that don’t have anything to do with him. You chose this together and I don’t know how you now ask what is this. It is what you chose together
If you think I asked for this or supported others in choosing this, you are incorrect. I’ve been pushing for Bernie for 15 years.
The USA voted for him to do this to them
Hey I got you. But you make yourself look like a fool to reduce the situation to such binary terms.