Between the ancients complaining about men (see: The Fremen Mirage, IIIa) to the modern manosphere content complaining about what isn’t masculine (see: When Toxicity is Masked as Positivity) to false presentations of manhood (see: Why do conservative shows all look the same?) to blaming women (see: Why We Blame Women for The Masculinity Crisis) I am convinced there is no such thing as an Objective Masculinity outside of its socially constructed forms. We really do make it the fuck up! Worse, Masculine and Feminine often is code for Strong and Weak without saying as much, giving it that oh-so-western misogyny flavor, to say nothing about the Gay Panic.
Between the ancients complaining about men (see: The Fremen Mirage, IIIa) to the modern manosphere content complaining about what isn’t masculine (see: When Toxicity is Masked as Positivity) to false presentations of manhood (see: Why do conservative shows all look the same?) to blaming women (see: Why We Blame Women for The Masculinity Crisis) I am convinced there is no such thing as an Objective Masculinity outside of its socially constructed forms. We really do make it the fuck up! Worse, Masculine and Feminine often is code for Strong and Weak without saying as much, giving it that oh-so-western misogyny flavor, to say nothing about the Gay Panic.
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