Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
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Tragedy occurred today as I very unexpectedly lost a family member. The day has been kind of a blur and of course I am in a state of grief.
Despite all this one of the things I keep thinking about is work tomorrow, wondering if it’s deserved for me not to go. If anyone came to me and asked me a question if they were in a similar situation, I’d say of course you should stay at home. For myself it’s often more difficult, I find.
I just hate this system in which a natural and human thing to do, grieving, becomes a questionable thing because god forbid you miss out on a day of work. Fuck this system.
Take the day. If they give you a hard time just tell them that you wouldn’t have been able to focus and would have just been in the way.
Take the day off, fren.
sorry to hear that dankzedong, unfortunately i’ve had too many unexpected tragedies happen to people close to me so i can relate to what you’re going through.
everyone griefs differently but in my experience in these sudden tragedies the worst comes after time passes, it’s as if you haven’t actually realized that your relative is gone and it hits like a truck when you do an activity you used to do with them.
My sincere condolences. I hope that you get the chance to grief even in the middle of this madness of a system. Sadly, finding time to grief is difficult.
Sorry to hear that, comrade. Hope you’re doing okay.
Do what you think it is best, comrade. It’s really sad that we don’t have the right to grieve.