Those look better than my interview clothes. Go get em, tiger!
Looks good, might want to try to center the buckle on your belt with your zipper, but other than that - looks great.
Ah, “the line”. Good eyes.
Gig-line, specifically.
Attire looks great! It would be not dressed enough for business/lawyer/consulting, but your look is ideal for office IT, looking professional but ready to crawl around a dusty space to flip a switch where needed.
Show confidence, show that you know what their business is about, and how your qualities and experiences can help their business succeed through you working there. You’re there to judge how well you would fit into that workplace, as much as they would be judging you. Compare what being in that team would actually be like, to all the fluff they present themselves with on their website.
During regular days at most companies, IT employees often can get away with single colour t-shirts and track pants, because they’re kind of at your mercy. If they complain you can just walk away and not fix their problem.
Looking sharp. Be confident to prove to them that you’re the right person for the job.
Not gonna lie, I feel you’re more concerned about your disability than the outfit. I’m sure you’re smart and well aware of the subject matter that you’re applying to work in (or at least a complete willingness to learn it). My advice would be to express that, and go in with a high and field-oriented energy. You got this
When I was interviewing (in the Bay Area initially, but the culture is similar here in TO) I was warned not to over-dress for interviews. Tech seems to foster a very meritocratic culture (for better or worse), where dressing more casually is seen as letting your work speak for itself in a way.
I’d say this outfit looks exactly right - not just “good enough”, but spot on for what is dressy enough without coming across as trying too hard or being too corporate.
The exact culture varies from company to company. As a broad stereotype, startups and burgeoning tech will lean more casual, larger companies and established tech will lean more dressy; but I think you’re in a safe place for either.
Best of luck with the interview process.
Ive gotten that which makes what he has on perfect. Neat and clean khakis and polo. Not to stuffy but not do slovenly.
Looks shouldn’t matter, but given they do, I’m happy to say your outfit looks dazzling.
Good luck, dude.
Hi - you look perfectly presentable for this type of job. No one expects you to look amazing, they just expect you to look like you care and can read the appropriateness and seriousness of the situation. I think this satisfies that.
Hiring Managers are people too, if you’re questioned on it and feel comfortable I might explain some of the reasons you provided here. A good manager will hear you and be quite reasonable about it. The ones that don’t understand are going to be a bit toxic.
Good luck!
Kick some ass and get that job! You look great for an IT job
Things are getting more casual - I had a tech industry interview recently and the recruiter told me not to wear a suit jacket or a tie. However, if I were you, I would still wear a long-sleeved shirt (if I could).
Polos are the t-shirt of the tech industry, aka, “Business IDGAF.”
Looking professional! Good luck
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Yep you look great. Go and own the interview!
You look sharp
Best of luck!✊🍀You look like a good guy to work with!