JetKVM is much like nanoKVM but a slightly polised version.
What is JetKVM?
JetKVM is a high-performance, open-source KVM over IP (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) solution designed for efficient remote management of computers, servers, and workstations. Whether you’re dealing with boot failures, installing a new operating system, adjusting BIOS settings, or simply taking control of a machine from afar, JetKVM provides the tools to get it done effectively.
As far as I know, these Jets are not available for retail yet, but can be bought via their kickstarter.
Link to the source code:
Link to their website:
Link to their kickstarter:
Picture of a JetKVM mounted in a homelab, credits to Jeff Gerling.
Not very big, otherwise 10k wouldn’t have been an issue :)
A few nodes were ordered without DRAC options, as well as a couple of pis and some desktop/laptop test/build machines. (I also would have liked to snag the output off a media server) I basically just wanted to get everything in one management console without paying 10k, I already had guac tying all the RDP/VNC together, but I really wanted pre-boot on everything and thought that sounded like a reasonable request. Was expecting 1k for a controller and a $100-$150 per box. Licensing was INSANE.
You can get HDMI cap now for $20 on adafruit. you’d think USB HID host would be either software or super cheap.