Instead of using spray paint or drawing, these artists use yarn to decorate everyday things like trees, benches, and bikes. They turn plain spaces into colorful and eye-catching works of art. This type of art combines the coziness of handmade crafts with the boldness of outdoor art. It’s not just about making things look pretty — it’s about adding happiness, color, and a sense of togetherness to our streets.

  • Steve@slrpnk.netOP
    1 month ago

    Microplastics and plastic pollution more broadly are definitely a problem and an artist should be aware of their materials and use ethical materials when available. However it seems a bit misguided to hold individual artists fully accountable for the pollution caused by the textile industry. It’s not individual artists and consumers that are producing plastics as the corporations that another commenter mentioned do. We should all look for sustainable materials and products when available, demand them when they aren’t and hold corporations account for the damage they do. I feel that art like this which reclaims public spaces and draws attention to those spaces is a great way to start conversations that are necessary in that regard as one step in that process.