While it can play up to PSX I feel like the small screen size and cramped controls have pushed me to towards looking for RPGs on the NES, SNES, GB, and GBC.

I was wondering what else people have played on their smaller handhelds like RG Nano, Game Kiddy Pixel, or FunKey S.

I’d even be happy to hear about ROM hacks or homebrew. I’ve gotten a bit tired of vanilla Pokemon.

The NES homebrew of 2048 is my other go-to game. It can be played with one hand and is good for 5 to 30 minutes.

The photo is of my RG Nano and after about ~6 months in my work pants pocket with my keys. I’m surprised how well its held up considering I devolved into the mindset of it’s better to use it and break it than have it in a case, in a backpack, where I’ll never touch it.

  • rob9519@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    I have been playing mostly GBC Rpgs but once I want something a little faster I sink a lot of time into Pokémon pinball on this device.