So as many of y’all know, I do DIY hormones now, as well as preparing them for other people. I’ve been very big on safety because I don’t want to accidentally harm anybody. Well someone I gave hormones to started taking them before getting a blood test, which I understand, honestly I’ve done the same thing. However, I’ve read up on this a lot, I know the exact risks I’m taking on. The girl I’m talking about is a lot less read.

I really want to find the NHS informed consent document. I’ve seen it before, and it goes into the risks of HRT fairly concisely. Like I said, I’d just feel bad if I didn’t have her read some sort of informed consent document because I don’t want her going in blind. Giving her the HRT before having her read a bit may have been irresponsible, I just felt her dysphoria so hard and wanted to give it to her as soon as I could.