• orclev@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    More security won’t save them. For a time it will stop these vigilante style attacks, but if that outlet is cut off eventually you’ll see large mobs leading the attacks instead and security won’t be able or willing to stop them.

    Death is the ultimate consequence. His family has kept the wealth for now, but if it gets bad enough that won’t last either.

    Your problem is you’re taking the principled stance of how a fair system should work, but we’re well past that point now. The system is broken and rigged. Desperate people when given the choice between lashing out randomly at those responsible or wasting time and energy playing rigged games that don’t achieve anything will opt to lash out even if it doesn’t accomplish much in the long term.

    Things are at their breaking point and it’s going to get messy. These sorts of things are just the first cracks along the stress points. If significant changes to reduce peoples frustrations aren’t made it will lead to significantly more violent events like this.

    The rich should be very scarred right now because there’s absolutely nothing more dangerous than a group of people backed into a corner and desperate.

    Should whoever did this have done this? No. But by the same token most people aren’t going to be particularly bothered by this either. A complete scumbag got murdered and considering the society we’re living in now that’s literally the only bad thing that could have happened to him. He was never in any danger of facing consequences from his actions through legal means.