Correlation and causation and all that. Catholics have an above average science literacy and perhaps enjoy children far too much.
You could just as easily draw a line connecting school shooters to 4-chan, drug use, and/or flat earth theorists. Not every 4-chan user is a mass murderer, not every crack addict wants to ressurect the third reich.
Sounds like every Born Again Christian I’ve ever met
Every born again christrian you’ve ever met murders 8 grade schoolers?
“[Frequent] school shootings are just a fact of life”
Honestly a lot of them do tend to be obsessed with the idea.
Correlation and causation and all that. Catholics have an above average science literacy and perhaps enjoy children far too much.
You could just as easily draw a line connecting school shooters to 4-chan, drug use, and/or flat earth theorists. Not every 4-chan user is a mass murderer, not every crack addict wants to ressurect the third reich.
Fuck Evangelicals in particular, tho.
Anakin randomly murdering the children was silly.
Yes? If not directly, they support other born agains that do…