Orcas off the coast of Washington State are balancing dead fish on their heads like it’s the 1980s, but researchers still aren’t sure why they do it.
Fashion is cyclical.
If I were to go swimming, with a dead salmon on my head, would I be accepted into the pack, or merely well seasoned?
We’ve had that Orcas vs. Humans peace treaty for several generations already, but it doesn’t entitle for species swapping.
You’ll be some interesting human with a new behavior that they will observe and ask around what are you thinking.
Like a bunch of drunk frat boys. Yacht tipping, salmon hat wearing Delta Kappa Hýdōrs
Maybe you think its gross, but humans too walk around with dead animals on their head like it looks good.
Shit like this makes me think the Roman fear of killer whales was entirely justified in their time, and that eating humans just kinda fell out of vogue with them.
To lure us into a false sense of security, no doubt.
Free Willy was a psyop movie to get us to lower our guard. Confirmed.
Petition to declassify MKWilly.