You could just put regulations in place for these companies to follow. They will find a source of power and if you require that it is environmentally safe they will find green solutions.
“Could” is key here. You know as well as I that even in Europe, this isn’t going to happen.
Related: I did read somewhere that OpenAI’s Sam Altman invested US$370m in (tadaa) fusion - the energy source that’s been expected within 30 years for as long as I can remember. Like it or not , that’s never going to “fix” anything in 3 years time.
“But but but… AI will solve the pollution problem!!1!”
In the end, indeed it will.
“Won’t have more pollution if everyone is dead from pollution and it’s effects” taps forehead
You could just put regulations in place for these companies to follow. They will find a source of power and if you require that it is environmentally safe they will find green solutions.
“Could” is key here. You know as well as I that even in Europe, this isn’t going to happen.
Related: I did read somewhere that OpenAI’s Sam Altman invested US$370m in (tadaa) fusion - the energy source that’s been expected within 30 years for as long as I can remember. Like it or not , that’s never going to “fix” anything in 3 years time.