There seems to be a large percentage of recent college graduates who are unemployed.

    3 months ago

    Any employer hiring based on who you know is an employer you don’t want to work for.

    And I mean sure, if you’re in fashion or politics, it matters who you know. But if not, you’re at the mercy of recruiters and overworked people from your field who have seen literally hundreds of others who can do better.

    Why would college students not be getting jobs? It means people with more experience are applying for those same jobs and getting them. And why are people with more experience doing that? Most simple answer is because they’re coming off a layoff from their previous job, and their industry isn’t hiring as much.

    As more and more business outright fail because they’re not competitive enough, or downsize to reduce costs, you’ll see more and more unemployment in experienced workers. Their availability on the market will mean less jobs for students and college graduates. It doesn’t have to be a complicated answer - college grads are just in too much supply and not enough demand these days.