So much of EDC seems to be centered around either surviving alone in the woods for days or alternatively using your tactical pen to stab a terrorist to death and John McClane the building. I’m John Suburban and my EDC includes a gun, a ferrorod and a tacpen with built in seatbelt slicer and window breaker (none of which I ever trained to use, but am assured will use competently after a flip over car crash into a body of water).

Which is a shame, because I think EDC stuff is cool. Little nifty tools! What do the denizens of this here website like for non chud EDC applications?

I’ll start off with some favourites,

  • a small AA-powered flashlight by EOLite (self-explanatory I think)
  • a Gerber Dime (basically one of those small swiss army knives but the pliers are a nice touch for a lot of things, like not touching the garbage juice)
  • a keychain presta-to-schrader adapter to reinflate my bicycle tyres at any given gas station, should the need arise

Currently also building a bicycle EDC-Pouch where space isn’t limited to pocket size, would love to hear what other people use.

  • piccolo [any]
    4 months ago

    Lotion, deodorant, hand sanitizer, umbrella (most days), water bottle, battery pack for phone, headphones, bike lights, Kindle, phone, keys, wallet, clif or lara bars, n95 equivalent masks, shopping bag for groceries, hair tie, fidget toys. I carry a backpack for all this stuff

    I should get the presta to Schrader adapter