average working age?
Like, who is coding the apps that I use? Teenagers? Senior citizens? Mothers in a mid-life crisis?
How long is a string?
I would guess there’s an upward slope of young contributors that reduce significantly at post-grad and early career ages (e.g. early-mid-twenties) followed by another upward gradient on a 5-10 year delay that peaks in the late 30s then falls somewhat linearly up to 60s.
The median age of the younger/learning cohort might be 19 and falling. The median age of the established developer cohort might be mid-40s and climbing.
I see this from the Stack Overflow survey. But that’s not limited to open source.
I did not respond to this survey, but I’m an open source “programmer” and I’m in the 4% group in that chart.
Fwiw this chimes with my online experience
It would be a hard number to range. Do you lump part time, full time and hobbyist into the range?