-They can’t tattle on you to a mod when you tell them to go fuck themselves (as long as you spell it f*ck so youtube doesn’t just shadow delete the comment as soon as you post it).
-The youtube comment downvote button is not connected to anything, it’s literally a placebo. So other chuds can’t join in to anonymously downvote your comment into oblivion, killing engagement.
-They can’t even dogpile you because of the confusing clusterfuck of however youtube comment threads work.
So you get a level of access to a random chud or lib that is impossible on any large reddit thread, and that gives you a chance to push their buttons to the point they take their mask off and lay at you. Then when you’ve had your fun, you bring the conversation back to where it started and inevitably your chud ends up looking rabid and deranged to any bystanders.
Unfortunately there probably are no bystanders because no one wades through 100s of comment replies on youtube. In fact, it at times feels designed specifically to prevent people from having coherent discussions because there is no way to view the most recent replies other than scrolling and clicking “show more replies” every 10 or so comments, so I guess I answered my own question, but it is fun to let off some steam at a chud without the internet hall monitors shadow banning you.
I’ve never used internet archive very much but I was very amused to discover chuds leaving comments yesterday, this is from the Star Trek TOS reviews. Nooooooo you can’t just upload shows from the 70s think of the copyriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
This is beautiful, bit also I’ll start scouting walls.