• Well first i believe thw earth won’t get to the point its completely lost except if we have a astroid strike or sonthibg of the sort. And second i probably wouldnt simply cos i believe humanity is worth saving over being a spitefull cunt.

    U didnt answer my question would u willingly genocide 8billion people simply to get revenge on 1?

    • vladmech@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I wouldn’t kill 8 billion to get revenge on one person, nah. I’d happily let 10,000 billionaires die though if they were abandoning Earth and letting 8 billion people die. They’ve had innumerable chances to help lift up humanity and instead all they do is enrich themselves at the expense of the 99.999%, why the fuck would I care about humanity surviving if that’s what ‘humanity’ is being defined as?