Updated it with better placement for Reagan and added FDR/Ike

  • Eldritch@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    He was worse than trump. By, every, single, measure. Trump just seems worse due to the collective damage of 40+ years of sabotage. We could play the game trump or Reagan and you’d be surprised how often the answer is yes.

    Reagan was a true believer. Who sold out his Union. A venomous racist and homophobe. That would even make Fred and Donald trump pale a bit by comparison. And that’s saying something. Trump is a self centered waffling, empty vessel who cannot hold an idea let alone an ideal for more than a moment.

    • Korne127@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Well yeah, I sad “Maybe not as bad as Trump (although honestly, I don’t know)” because it has been placed there, but I’m 22 years old and not from the US, so while I’m politically interested, I don’t have very much knowledge about the exact policies of Reagan. So thanks for the addition

      • Eldritch@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        At your age and where you’re from. It’s certainly not a sin to not know. That’s reserved for all the people from here who are my age or older and do not know or care. And I’m sure I would be just as ignorant about your local politics myself. That said Reagan is absolutely worse for sure. A lot of people would hate to admit it. But Trump could be a good president if you were surrounded with right people. Unfortunately a bad person like him looking for acceptance and affirmation only surrounds himself with the worst people possible. People like Reagan