• pandacoder@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m not addressing the racist part of the post with this, just the “less government involvement” part:

    • anti-porn laws
    • educational restriction laws
    • abortion restriction laws
    • contraceptive restriction laws
    • laws attacking encryption

    The list goes on (and I’m sure there are more laws passed that I’m forgetting about) but the first four categories are heavily pushed by the GOP and the last one they are still co-sponsors on (Lindsay Graham and Diane Feinstein both suck). Some of the laws that are being passed are even designed to restrict constituents even when they aren’t in the state, and some even restrict their ability to LEAVE the state.

    GOP is not the “less government” party, they are the “less government that allows things I don’t like and more government that forces everyone in line” party. There really isn’t a “less” government party, they’re all just “different” government parties.

    PS: Adding “PS: Trump sucks” at the end doesn’t magically give everything else you said credence.

    • paddirn@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Current GOP policies are like a mishmash of policies pulled from dystopian sci-fi for the past 100 years: 1984, Handmaid’s Tale, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, they’re trying to bring back all the classics. In yet another example of how it’s all just projection with them, it’s actually the GOP that’s trying to create a “nanny state”, one that has control over even the most personal aspects of our lives. They’ve become so cartoonishly evil in how they’re trying to make peoples’ lives worse that it’d be funny if not for the fact that a good portion of the population supports them, they’re actually putting alot of their policies into effect, and they have a Conservative majority in the Supreme Court. I don’t see any of this ending well for America or the world at large.

    • Code@programming.dev
      1 year ago

      Do you have any articles pertaining to the attacks against encryption? As a software engineer, that one I didn’t know about and is really important to me.