I’m heading off to the liquor store later this week in search of some ingredients for the Christmas cocktails recommended to me. I’ve got vodka and spiced rum I like, but for things like Coquito and the Godfather, I’m not sure what brands would work best. I’ll need a whisky (or bourbon?) white rum and amaretto. What do all of yall like for mixing?

  • BigGovernment@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Lots of good recommendations already.

    I’ve only made Coquito with Appleton Estates, but that’s mostly because I have Appleton around during the holidays to make hot buttered rum for my wife’s family. The white rums that I’ve had and liked have been the Plantation and Rhum Barbancourt. Like others said, you probably won’t taste much of the rum.

    I’ve never had a Godfather, but that sounds like a perfectly fine drink. I like Old Fashioneds and other drinks that follow the same bourbon plus a dash of something interesting format. I would bet that the drink will still mostly taste like whatever whiskey you use. Don’t bother chasing down something special or expensive, but I would go with something good. Also, you’ll still have the rest of the bottle to finish, so buy something you’ll drink. If you already have a preferred bourbon or whiskey, you’ll probably still like it in this drink. I would try something like Old Forester (100 proof), Four Roses, or Wild Turkey 101.

    I have not had any amaretto apart from DiSorano, which I do not like.