Figured y’all might enjoy a hopium post.

    4 months ago

    Polls show that two-thirds of Republicans say this one US state has done more damage than good for the country, and that almost half of them don’t consider it “American” at all. Beyond political party, fully half of adult Americans say in polls that California is in decline.

    This is all fine by me. I am still a proud Californian. And the fact that I live in this wonderful state is a major consolation to me when it comes to where the country is heading. The funny thing is, of course, that our state is much more pragmatic and moderate than the political pundits will acknowledge. Are e perfect? No. But we adapt and don’t get caught up on ideology as much as many other states.

    My hope is that our size, power, and common sense will insulate us to some degree from some of the craziness that will hit the country in the next four years. I also hope that we can help Oregon and Washington State somehow too, if they want it.

    Let the out-of-state cynics believe we are in decline. Their ignorance and under-estimation of us will only take the spotlight off us. And that will help us to keep moving forward and innovating.