

  • 9 new characters has been added.
  • New weapons and collabs have been added.
  • New items have been added.
  • New stamps have been added.
  • New shop items have been added.
  • New Normal stage and new Hard Stage has been added.
  • New areas in Holo House has been unlocked.
  • Usada Casino is now open! Several minigames have been added.
  • New gathering materials have been added.
  • A new action button has been added.
  • New “Prism” system has been added.
  • Fan Letter system has been added.
  • Several menus revamped.
  • Change to Critical stat. If Critical is beyond 100%, each additional 1% Crit grants 0.5% additional damage.
  • Random select in character select can now be activated with the new third action button.
  • Food system is overhauled, can now store all kinds of Food created, and can also stockpile each type of food. Food is now selected at the Preparation Screen.
  • Items can now be upgraded to its Super version at a small chance from Holozon boxes. If a box is a Super Item box, there is a chance that it will upgrade a currently held item to its super version instead of a new Super Item.
  • Leaderboard is closed until a later update.



  • Character has been revamped.
  • Special has been changed.
  • Skills have been changed. Virtual Diva has been changed to Virtual Saber, and Performance has been changed to Geographer.


  • Skill name of FPS Mastery has been changed to “The Ame Way”. EFfect has also been adjusted. Note: Previously, FPS Mastery’s text stated “All weapons deal 15% more damage”, when in reality it increased ATK by 15%. The text has been corrected, and this effect is unchanged.


  • Cutting Deep has been replaced with Debugger with an adjusted effect.


  • Aromatherapy now can also stun targets as an added effect.
  • Damage of Mukirose has been increased slightly.
  • New effect has been added to Belly Dancing.


  • Skill name of “CRATical Hit” has been changed to “Rat’s Ninja Way”. Skill icon has been changed.
  • Skill name of “RatNG” has been changed to “Harbinger of Chaos”.
  • Skill effect has been adjusted and a new effect has been added to “Harbinger of Chaos”.


  • Bonus buff for perfecting the Taiko Drum sequence has been extended by 5 seconds. Bonus buffs also increased slightly.
  • Damage for Fireworks from perfecting the Taiko Drum sequence has been increased.
  • (Further changes later)


  • Damage of Special attack is increased from 1000% to 1500%.


  • Duration of Mogu Mogu is increased from 6 to 7 seconds, and SPD buff is increased from 50% to 75%.


  • Reduced the size of Kon Kon attacks but also increased damage very slightly.


  • Increased damage of NEKO.
  • Changed skill name and icon of Klutz. Effect has also been adjusted.


  • Cat? Reflexes skill adjusted. Now grants stacks that turn on Silent Pistol’s Stealth mode without being invisible.
  • Cat? Reflexes crit buff has been increased.


  • Acerola Juice now only adds Life Steal on the main weapon. Amount of life steal is increased.


  • Nurse now requires a heal of 12 HP or more to activate, instead of critical heal as the activation requirement.



  • No longer horizontal only (finally).



  • Effect has been changed. Effect now activates upon using Special.

GWS Pill

  • Additional effect has been added. GWS Pill now also increases the damage of all Skill attacks.



  • Effect has been changed. ? [COLLAB]


  • Heal has been slightly reduced.

I’m Die, Thank You Forever

  • No longer creates multiple explosions when one target has taken multiple bombs. Instead, will only create 1 explosion with damage that is adjusted based on how many bombs were attached (for optimization and reducing slow downs). e.g. Before: 10 bombs attached to boss, it creates 10 explosions at once when defeated Now: 10 bombs attached to boss, it creates 1 explosion that is equivalent to 10x damage when defeated


Unit Stamp

  • The damage penalty on the main weapon has been reduced.

Reverse Stamp

  • Effect has been changed.
    4 months ago

    It already went to 25k concurrent Steam Players… love to see well-crafted games get the support they deserve.

    And I also love this:

    Skill name of FPS Mastery has been changed to “The Ame Way”.
