The funniest part about all of this discourse is that I’m still not even sure if this post even belongs here

      3 months ago

      The community should knife each other in a more productive way, by designating official slurs with severity (e.g. gossip level 1 ) and designing charts and points systems for users that we can rank their posts on to see if they’re scored enough points to be able to use the slurs (e.g. you need 3 pro-women points to use gossip based on how many “yaas kweeens” category bromides your post contains).

      At least the resulting outcomes would be funny and farcical on their face rather than fading into the ephemera of constant pointless struggle sessions for the self importance of 18-25 year olds. We’ll get some new emotes too. I’m old enough to have been on the great grand daddy of all knife fights at the height of it’s power, Shit Reddit Says. Beyond just dunking on people these communities always devolve into the same crap, dreaming up of new ways to perfect morality policing, while driving yourself into alienated rage spirals. Same thing happened with circlebroke/circlebroke2/gameofdolls.

      Don’t go gently into that good night, create artifacts of your unhinged power.