• 🤔 Apple has shared why the power button on the Mac Mini M4 is hidden
  • 🤏 It’s mainly because of the Mac Mini’s compact size
  • 🤷‍♂️ But also because users apparently never use the power button on a Mac
  • 👉 Apple also says the button can be accessed easily, even though it’s underneath
  • Nindelofocho@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I think the charge port on the mouse is still really silly but the button kinda makes sense to me. Its right there on the mainboard so its simple to manufacture and compact. Its a lot less likely to be accidentally pressed. These options are in trade off for it being a little bit harder to get to in the everyday. I also think apple expects a lot of these to be used as a HTPC and just never turn it off