Considérant que pour le moment fait preuve de laxisme envers les mysogines, je me pose la question de fermer ce /C et de basculer sur blahaj.

Votre avis en commentaire est souhaitable.

En ayant regarde les modlogs, la mysoginie et transphobie sont moins modérés que la règle 7 de c/France… Ça me pose vraiment souci personnellement

Edit :

Certains des utilisateurs problematiques sont ban,
C’est rassurant,
J’epingle ce topic car j’estime qu’il est important.

J’incite chaque membre de notre commu, a reporter de maniere systematique ce qui lui est genant a lire,
Si pas d’actions, je ne suis pas admin et modo sur, mais juste envoyez moi le lien problematique, et je porterai le message a votre place si necessaire, et avec convictions.

Nos existences, ne sont pas des sujets de debats et de discussion.
Nous pouvons expliquer certes, mais si on doit se justifier sur notre existence et nos pensees, c’est NON.

En attendant, le message de l’admin est tres clair :

il faudrait peut-être organiser un megafil “quelle traitement adopter envers les propos misogynes sur Jlailu”

Non, le traitement c’est le ban. La misogynie, comme toute autre discrimination, n’a pas sa place ici.

Et pour rappel, un extrait du code de conduite de l’instance,

En tant que membres, contributeur·trice·s, modérateur·e·s et administrateur·e·s, nous nous engageons à faire de la participation à notre communauté une expérience sans harcèlement, violence ou discrimination, quel que soit l’âge, la taille corporelle, le handicap visible ou invisible, l’appartenance ethnique, les caractéristiques sexuelles, l’identité et l’expression de genre, le niveau d’expérience, l’éducation, le statut socio-économique, la nationalité, l’apparence personnelle, la race, la religion, ou l’identité et l’orientation sexuelle.

Nous nous engageons à agir et interagir de manière à contribuer à une communauté ouverte, accueillante, diversifiée,** inclusive et saine.**

cross-posted from:

cross-posted from:

Like in 2016 a rising tide of conservatives emboldened by the Republican victory are starting to crop up online. Hate speech and random attacks directed at the trans community in online spaces will continue and most likely grow louder in the coming weeks. For our safety and mental health I encourage everyone to avoid online spaces that are not strictly moderated. Avoid social media where transphobia and misogyny are tolerated. The effect of constact exposure to hate speech is profound and horrific. We need to shelter ourselves from it as much as possible. I know it doesn’t sound very brave to say that but its the truth. We need to look after each other of course, but first of all we have to look after ourselves.

Like everyone here I’ve been through a chaotic mess of emotions over the past couple days. I am furious, heartbroken, terrified, and sick with anxiety. I have picked apart everything thats happened in the past few months and tried to make sense of how this could happen. The hows and whys of it dont matter though. This is the reality we are confronted with and we have to exist within it. There is no use in praying for a different world. There is no use in lamenting the reality as it exists.

Trans people have made it through so many eras of open hostility towards us. Our community is built on the foundations laid by those who came before us. We persevere because of our solidarity, our empathy and our unity. We must now turn our attention to how we can fight back against this system. We must move our focus to how we can persist within a new world. Trans people still need hormones. We need ways out of hostile communities. We need protection and we need security. Our focus must change to how we can provide those things without the help of institutions. We need networks of supportive cisgender people throughout deep red states. We need supply chains for bringing hormones to people who cannot access them. We need communities online oriented around supporting our most vulnerable.

I am committed to this community supporting all of those efforts, and am looking to become personally involved in organizing efforts as time goes on. Channel your anger and your fear into action. Process your feelings together, support each other, and remember that youre not alone. We are not alone. Things aren’t okay. They won’t suddenly be okay tomorrow. But we can look after our community. We can push back. It’s our duty to do so, for trans youth and vulnerable trans people who can’t advocate for themselves and are subject to the whims of the system.

  • Melyssandre@jlai.luOPM
    3 months ago

    Je te remercie également pour l’intérêt et le respect que tu portes à la commu.

    Tu peux évidemment participer sur ce C. Je ne doute pas trop, que tu sauras bien t’y comporter en fonction de l’intérêt de celui ci et de ta personne.

    À plus, et la bonne journée.