Beefing up the institutions through which the fascists will enact their policies is complicity. Normalizing violence against the people that the fascists intend to target is complicity. Turning over the communications platforms via which people share information is complicity. Discouraging people from the kind of tactics one needs to fight against a fascist regime is complicity. Over the past four years, the Democrats have done every single one of these things.

    4 months ago

    In many ways, the Democratic leadership responsible for Donald Trump’s return to power. Let’s explore why.

    Fixed the headline.

    I mostly agree with the article itself. I would just urge anyone who wants to read the headline and absorb only the general sense-picture “Democrats = bad” to read the whole thing.

    Assigning some blame to corporate-friendly Democrats who turned their backs on most of the people on the ground fighting for real change, and failed to do much of anything successful when the wolves arrived at the door for real in 2016, is completely fair.

    Now that the shit-storm has arrived for real, though, I think that deciding you want to make anyone who’s a Democrat into your enemy, and so reduce your coalition size from 70 million people to maybe 1-2 million if that, sounds like suicide. We will either hang together or we will surely hang separately. Nobody you’re talking to, or going to be in a position to be talking to anytime during the coming storm, had anything to do with failing to prosecute Trump effectively or betraying Bernie Sanders. They worked with what was in front of them, same as you.

    Read the article. I’m usually in defense of Democrats, but I fully admit that I think it’s a mostly fair assessment of how we got here and what we do from here.