Original post here: https://hexbear.net/post/3856299?scrollToComments=false
I think we have a general path forward based on community feedback. “We see you, we hear you!”
I went ahead and unpinned the old post. I’m pinning this one for now and will edit this post when I wake up from eepy time. I had a very mid week and have no particular alarm set so be on look out. Love y’all and I’m amped for my first announcement post since coming back. :)
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How does this ruin other people’s fun?
You have been accused of wrongthink. Please cease having fun immediately because I don’t like it
How does removing the place where people go to do a thing, remove their ability to go to the place and do a thing? Are you 12? Children don’t learn how action and consequence are linked until age 13. It would eplain a lot of your behaviour if you were a tween
But you can still do functionally the same thing in c/gossip just not at the same people
Then it’s not functionally the same thing, dipshit
We’re now at the point in the argument where you are trying to say “it doesn’t even matter!” because all your other pathetic excuses have been hollowed out. The fact that you’re a mod is sad, the fact that you haven’t had the presence of mind to step down is fucking pathetic.
I know a lot of you people can’t handle dissent and get irrationally angry when people disagree with you or like things you don’t enjoy, but grow up. YOU and YOUR ACTIONS are unhealthy for the site culture. YOUR BEHAVIOUR is toxic. YOU are the problem. Do some self-crit. Take a step back and ask yourself some questions about why you feel the way you feel about these things.
If you don’t enjoy what the site is, then don’t participate in it. This is not your personal project, but somethig a lot of people build and shape together. The site culture is ever-changing and that is an organic process. Being a mad little pissbaby because people enjoy things you don’t, isn’t organic, it’s actually not even normal. The things YOU and YOUR clique is doing is killing the site. I know you’re deluding yourself into thinking if you just get rid of [group] then this site will finally become good. The site is fine, you’re the issue, the rot is inside you. You will never enjoy it, because you will always encounter people who disagree with you or dissent with your opinion or call you out for being a dipshit or enjoy things you don’t enjoy. Even things you find troubesome in some way.
but I’d be sad to see this community go. Especially if it’s killed because of some dork like you.
In the end this is just a niche leftist webforum, the worst case is permanent
Im not saying it doesnt matter, you accuse the mod team of taking away your “fun”, so im pointing out you can still have “fun”, was dunking on nobodies your only source of fun?
jfc I am becoming a broken record. Is this your idea of durable rhetoric? Is this your idea of non-toxicity? You are still doing basic debatebrodismissiveness as well as throwing out sad attempts at turning this into a personal mental health issue. Childish. Log out, never log on again until you’ve learned to handle people disagreeing with you.
I haven’t actually “accused the mod team of taking away my fun” great reading ability! If you’re gonna try to go down that path, actually engage with the specific things I am saying, instead of what you’d like me to be saying.
edit: And we are now at the point in the argument where you try to move the discussion to something else, because you’ve exhausted the current one. This is why you are trying to make it about me. Loser.
u/TerribleHands literally asked
Oh? And that user is me? Neat!
so you can do functionally the same thing just not functionally the same thing, gotcha, makes sense
it is functionally the same thing, you can still “dunk” on people, they just have to be public figures, that does not in any way diminish the “fun” in it does it?
Then it’s not functionally the same thing, dipshit.
Jesus christ you are an insufferable debatebro. Had any normal user done what you did, they’d been banned. Despite you being a condescending smuglord and me therefore treating you like one, it’s still probably only me who’s gonna catch flak once the rest of your clique wakes up and you can cry to them about it. Eat shit.
so you can’t dunk on the same people as before, they have to be public figures now?
yes, according to you guys the purpose of dunking is for it to be fun and cathartic, it still is if the dunking is on public figures , therefore it is functionally the same
so for someone that finds dunking fun and cathartic, can they still perform the function of dunking on someone who isn’t a public figure in c/gossip?
Go back to reddit, oh my god you are an insufferable lib smuglord.
You expect others - the site culture at large - to move towards one focused on effortposts and development of rhetoric, yet you yourself cant even be fucking arsed to have basic decency. You can’t even be arsed to engage with the arguments, not even in good faith, but just at all. Being a reductive dipshit is sad loser behaviour, go kiss a worm.
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