My chef friend is arguing with me and IMO she is just straight up fucking wrong. Cooking tomatoes to death during the canning process isn’t going to do any favors for the texture or flavor. Every canned diced tomato i’ve had has been gross (and the dice is always too big and ugly)

I think she’s 100% confusing a comparison between QUALITY canned tomatoes i.e. real san marzano tomatoes versus shitty greenhouse grown tomatoes but she’s insisting that no actually canned tomatoes are just better

I just want to get a consensus but i’m going to continue to disagree with anyone else who is wrong about this

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I make a lot of tomato sauces, either for pasta sauce (as I’m making today in the slow-cooker) or for a base when I make certain types of beans like lima beans.

    If you’re making a sauce I find the sauce is richer if I make it with canned whole tomatoes than from my garden. Of course they’re both good, but yeah I’d tend to agree with the chef here.