This is not a new issue, but we’ve had reports from some communities that they are experiencing a lot of repeated downvotes from the same set of people.

This is how it typically plays out, using AI images as an example:

  1. A section of the lemmy user base really hates anything AI generated.
  2. Instead of blocking AI generated image communities, they down vote those posts every time they see them.
  3. The posts in those communities effectively have to overcome a “handicap” of down votes each time they are posted. This harms community growth and discoverability.

The admin team would like to know how our community would like us to handle this issue, since it isn’t clear to us what is the best approach, and we would like a consensus view.

Some option for consideration:

  1. Encourage/allow community mods to ban persistent down voters from their community (note that we currently have no specific rule in place for this, so it is currently allowed).
  • Pros: prevents future down votes; essentially “unsubscribes” from the community on their behalf
  • Cons: could potentially be abused by mods who want to eliminate all down voters and “game” the system
  1. Have a policy of ignoring the persistent down voters
  • Pros: allows people to continue to express their dislike of [insert topic]-type posts
  • Cons: means that communities on topics that are not of interest to (or are actively disliked by) the majority of users will continue to be penalized in the lemmy post feeds.
  1. Leave it up to the discretion of the individual community mods
  • Pros: self-determination and community based approach (i.e. only applied when needed)
  • Cons: potentially inconsistent approach to down voters across the instance

Feel free to come up with more options, but these are the three main alternatives I could come up with.

We are interested to get your thoughts on the topic so we can come up with a policy for the instance. Please leave your comments below on your preferred option and the reasons for your choice.

Edit: apparently community mods can’t currently see the voting breakdown in Lemmy, only instance admins can, so this adds further complexity to the issue.

  • Draconic
    5 months ago

    I would agree with this, except on the merit of moving instances, community blocking exists for the purpose of curating your feed to remove content you dislike.

    I know a lot of people do not take the time to get to know the instances of the communities they subscribe to but they probably should, since the values of the communities on an instance are greatly shared with the values of the instance itself. Instances aren’t just random servers either, they’re like larger meta communities with their own culture and value. And generally if you don’t jive well with the instance you probably should steer clear of the communities it homes, as they will mostly share its values. That’s why the instance sidebar is displayed beneath the community sidebar on all remote communities.

    Also I would like to take the time to say that their comment blanket comparing AI tools (including/not excluding those developed as an open-source or community effort) with fascism and fake news, feels extremely disingenuous and like a bad faith comparison. I’m not saying they should get in trouble for it but it feels like a very bad faith attack on our community. This kind of reminds me of the time that AI banner generation was announced on [email protected] and a lot of anti-AI trolls crawled out of the woodwork to complain, or even call for action against the community. I don’t know I just think people need to know how to read the room and know the space a bit better. @[email protected] @[email protected] Any thoughts you’d like to add on this last part guys?