Shopkeepers next to a Brisbane construction site say they are struggling to stay open as traffic detours make it hard for customers to access their businesses.

The Moggill Road upgrade is running one year behind schedule and will cost about twice the original budget.

It was a terrible intersection, but it’s also a total suck that businesses have their access severely restricted for literally years at a time without any compensation.

The construction company keeps getting their income provided as costs double… why shouldn’t the nearby businesses be compensated as the delays blow out?

Good thing we have Liberals in power now who are on the side of small business. They’ll come up with a solution! 💪

    4 months ago

    Good thing we have Liberals in power now who are on the side of small business. They’ll come up with a solution! 💪

    Great joke! But we all know that unless the shopkeepers are LNP donors, they’re going to be shit out of luck.