I get that they and all their up-voters might have valid reasons for needing a one. But at this point I’m not sure if they can even imagine buying anything other than a truck.

Wishing upon the stars that the oversized cars may still be oversized, but a tick smaller. And that last one just needs a Van.

  • Jimbabwe@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I worked for a small “mom and pop” style roofing company for a few years while going to school, and when the owner decided to retire he just gave me the pickup I’d used. That was 10 years ago or so. Still got it, and still love it. It’s a 2000 Mazda B3000 with extended cab and a toolbox. The paint is peeled and the windows/locks/everything are manual but it starts, runs, hauls like a champ. I’ve got a little piece of land and it’s the VIP around here. Boy I tell you whut.