Is there any veracity to the claim that “the PSL covered up SA allegations”? I hear it a lot in discussions surrounding the PSL. I wanna know if this is a valid concern

    4 months ago

    Interesting, thanks for explaining your thoughts on it. In terms of the specific view that “hyper exploited communities that have cut ties with PSL over anti-blackness, misogyny, and anti-indigineity (I am not listing them because of the orgs opsec but for my own, as they are local to me)”, I hope you will understand I have to take this with a grain of salt unless there are non-opsec-sensitive examples you can share sources on. I would not want you to put any org in danger just to prove a point to someone on the internet, but also, from my perspective, you can probably understand that simply taking your word for it that “hyper exploited communities have cut ties with PSL [because of prejudicial views/treatment]” is kind of vague as a thing to go on. One of the problems with it being that even if true in X instance, it doesn’t say anything about the circumstances surrounding it; whether the treatment came from the top down, or from local PSL branches; what form it took; etc.