A simple argument shows that capitalism is theft and workers have an inalienable right to workplace democracy - 35 minute video

“David Ellerman: Neo-Abolitionism: Towards Abolishing the Institution of Renting Persons”


The talk argues that employment contract is invalid due to inalienable rights. Inalienable means can’t be given up even with consent. Workers’ inalienable rights are rooted in their joint de facto responsibility for all production in the firm


  • jeffhykin@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    I’m usually the one person in the Solarpunk lemmy who debates “capitalism==bad” titles. This was a solid video; I don’t think I have any critiques of the arguments. It gives me a lot to think about. The speaker does a good job at not being polarizing or sensationaliazing the topic; he simply presents the information without getting emotionally charged.

    That’s in contrast to the Lemmy title, which I think is senasionalized/polarizing and a bit of an insult to the listener; telling them the conclusion they should have instead of assuming they’re smart enough to understand the consequences themselves. “Why workplace democracy is an inalienable right, and its incompatibility with capitalism” would be more appropriate title IMO.

    Either way I’m glad this was posted.