He is going to lose comfortably.

Mark it.

It’s just a matter of how much violence is going to happen before it’s done and if SCOTUS tries any kind of bullshit.

  • Optional@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Correct. And ALSO - Remember People: This is A LONG GAME. Involving aircraft-carrier-sized loads of bullshit, marches, protests, idiot right-wing news articles, plenty of disinformation panic buttons and many, many, many court cases to wade through.

    We’ll be lucky if the contest is officially decided by December without the SCROTUS stepping in and calling it for trump just because.

    Point being: don’t expect it to be quick even if early numbers are good. They know they’re going to lose early numbers; that’s not their plan. Their plan is cheating, obfuscation, spreading FUD, and more cheating, plus a liberal (haha) smattering of corruption. Fake electors, proud boys, gravy seals, dipshit FBI and DoD people - it’s a goddamned army of fascist bastards attacking Democracy. And we have to understand that IS what’s going to happen so we can weather it and defeat them.

    As usual we will get no help, or very compromised ‘help’, from the corporate news.