Supreme Court President Norma Piña and seven others submitted letters Tuesday and Wednesday stating they would leave their posts rather than compete in judicial elections scheduled for next June.

    4 months ago

    Depends on what kind of judges “society” will elect. I’m generally more fine with a judge selected by an equitable and well-informed set of voters out of, say, Houston or LA or Chicago than I would be with a judge selected by The Amish Society, the Federalist Society, or one informed entirely by cable news breaking headlines.

    Right now, the Mexican court is a legacy of the outgoing PRI party, which has held power in Mexico for over 70 years. The incoming Morena Party - which has significantly more left-leaning and popular politics than the old business-friendly PRI - has had its reformed blocked by the courts on a number of occasions. The legislative/executive branch are imposing these term-limits and recall elections to force out the old PRI judges with the expectation that they’ll be replaced by more friendly Morena judges.

    So… do you support PRI policy or Morena policy? That’s all that really matters here. “Society” chooses the judges in both instances. Its just a question of which society (the outgoing older generation or the incoming younger one) that adjudicates into the future.